
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Quilled Picture Portrait Of Jesus Christ - Into Thy Hands.....

This quilled picture portrait of Jesus Christ on the cross reminds me of his last words. " into thy hands I commit my spirit". This complements and completes the series of  3 other  Christ's portraits I have done which relate to the passion .

Crown of Thorn
To Calvary
Father Forgive Them

I have used a combination of coils, zig-zag folded shapes (tutorial here) and graphic quilling for this project. I have outlined the portrait in white to achieve the effect of reflected light. I think it helps to enhance the image and bring it out of the white background.

I have tried to make the nose look a bit hooked by arranging the shapes appropriately.

All you wonderful people are so generous with your comments and it encourages me no end to try more difficult project. I would love to hear what you think of this one.


  1. Chris, these images are so alive and insprirational... Thanks for sharing... Some day I wolud like to try to make Jesus face too - I have a very religious freiend and think she will be very happy to receive it! Thanks again.

    1. Hi Maria,
      You should go ahead and try when you are feeling motivated. Just try graphic quilling the outline first. Then its is a case of gluing the basic shapes trying to keep the direction of the shapes to fit the contours of the face. You never know till you try.

  2. i could feel jesus here christine

  3. You have outdone yourself christine. I look the expression on Christ's face. Amazing.

  4. Wow!! this is just Amazing work Christine ...absolutely loved this :)

  5. Truly i say ..the portrait made me cry ..its so realistic Christine .

  6. Awesome work.... sure I had to try quilling these stuffs... your works inspire us a lot Chris.... :)

  7. Wow ! One more master piece from you ! Its amazing how you have done the eyelashes,the beard and the hairs ..The white outline ..just superb !

  8. love it, love your work, very inspiring !!!

  9. Your portraits are excellent! Always a great facial expression!

  10. Christine
    Breathtaking!! Beautiful work.
    You capture facial expressions so well.

  11. Such a lively quilling...Each time u r making such stunning work of art..Kudos to U!!!!

  12. Thank you all for your generous comments. I am glad you like this portrait as much as I do.

  13. This is wonderful,You have captured the expression so well.....full of compassion and kindness.

    I have been following you since long but have created a blog recently. You are on my Favorite Blogger list. I find your work inspiring and am grateful for your generosity in sharing your skills and ideas.

    I have started a new blog, do visit whenever you have some time. I would be so happy if you join in. I hope to keep you interested in my work :)

    Happy Crafting!!

  14. All your work is awesome. But especially liked the portraits of Jesus. Thank you for creating such beauty. We have someone to learn!


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