
Monday, March 18, 2013

Quilled Picture Landscape - Easter Chick Among the Roses

A quilled picture landscape of a newly hatched chick to depict Easter is my next offering. Easter is a time for renewal, forgiveness and new beginnings. Its spring too, the season of renewal. Nature's time for procreation.

As you can see, I'm more into quilled scenes than flowers. It somehow gives me more satisfaction and is more thrilling as it is more difficult to make. I  need challenges, so I try to do what seems difficult. I wanted the downy effect for this one so I did it differently.

I saw a vector image from which I got the idea.As you can see I have used a combination of techniques here. I have used a 3d curved cone for the beak. I was awful at 3d quilling but managed to figure out how to do it now. So I made a curved cone so that the chick looks3d.

For the roses too I did a little variation to make it look  a bit like those vintage roses. I don't like it when it looks like a symmetrical coil. So guess what I did??  I crushed the strip before quilling so that the wrinkle gives it a more natural look. Be careful though, as crushing means it won't unwind easily so you got to be able to shape it a bit and maybe you have to glue a bit hear and there. Here is a closer look.
The rose leaves are folded leaves with serrated edges. I fold the leaf in the center first. Then with the forceps I fold it like a fan . I use forceps so that I can fold it thin. After opening the leaves I curl them in the direction I want, curling them only at the center vein. I usually glue the leaves around the stem.

The blue flower is made using 3 punched flowers shaped to cup. If you keep the punched flower on a semi hard surface and apply pressure to the middle with a curved, blunt surface like the end of your quilling tool, it with curve up. Apply pressure in circular motion so it cups. You can control the depth of the cup by the amount of pressure you apply.

I have also scored a line in the center of each petal for an embossed line. Have a closer look.
The leaves are made using asymmetrical loops. If you can't figure it out, leave a request for a tutorial.

I have used 2 highlights to bring out the sparkle in the eye, and have used fringed strips for the chick.I have not made them into flowers but have just folded and glued them and then fluffed it out. I was too impatient to cut it narrower, though I think it will look better that way. Cutting the fringe manually  tried my patients to the very limit but I managed it since I cut little by little while creating the chick and that helped motivate me.

I look forward to your comments.


  1. Easter Chicken is very cute !!!..
    thanks Christine for sharing the ideas with us ..the roses have turned out pretty .

  2. very beautiful. The fringes are realistic .And lovely eyes.

  3. That little chick looks so fluffy that I want to touch it! Hihi! He's a real cutie! I like how you make the eyes of all your characters look so expressive!

    Wonderful project, just as always!


  4. Wow the chick looks so cute.. Its very beautiful..

  5. The way you made the feathery furry look is amazing!!
    Dr Sonia
    Cards Crafts School Projects

  6. Wow ! The fur looks fluffy n real.I kept guessing if its fringed until I read.You have made the eyes also very real with the reflection.I loved the rose with twist too !

  7. Very cute!! lovely eyes and fluffy fur...loved it!

  8. Absolutely adorable chicken! Feathers look more than realistic! Is this guy quilled or how did you assemble him?
    The details in flowers are also amazing! Thanks for sharing! Happy crafting :-)

  9. Beautiful fluffy chick! Thanks for the detailed description!

  10. Awesome... the technique for the chick is looking exceptional. . :-)

  11. Oh boy...its choooo chweet and cute...Seems as if just hatched from the egg...very realistic fringing as well as those lively eyes...

  12. Awesome as always, love how you did the chicks body and the roses look so much better doing them the way you did and the eyes are awesome, really stand out !!!!

  13. Cute chic :) Love the fluffiness in it :)

  14. Christine
    What can I say? You do amazing work. Love the expression on your newborn chick :)
    Your flowers are absolutely gorgeous.

  15. The chick looks so real! Love how the chick's body turned out. Thanks a lot for sharing the details.

  16. Thank you all for your comments and appreciation. I hope my descriptions help you.


  17. This is amazing!!! Lovely design!!!



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