
Friday, July 27, 2012

Flowers & Twigs - New Quilling Technique Tutorial

How to Make The Petal -New Techniques

Step 1
Take 2 strips of different colors (paste one end together) or a single strip and paste it round your quilling needle handle to form a ring.

Step 2
Wrap the rest of the strip round the first circle  to make the usual coil, allow to unwind and gum it. once completed it will look like the above.

Step 3
Take the coil  and hold it between your thumb and forefinger on either side and push  the top towards  the bottom right in the middle with a sharp object  or your quilling needle, while pushing the two sides together.

Step 4
While still pressing the sides together, take a new strip and encircle it around the petal as shown above, and gum it and viola !! you got your petal.

Step 5
Now for the centre, make a fringed flower by using a 3mm un-fringed strip for the centre and 5mm fringed strip and for the outer black petals, use 7mm , but fringe it wide and have only around 8 to 10 cuts. Use your own color combination.

Step 6
Stick the petals to the fringed flower slightly angled up. The easiest way is to allow the glue to dry a bit and get sticky before you paste it.


  1. Beautiful petal, thanks for inspiration!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing! You can name a new technique!

  3. Very beautiful technique.Thanks for sharing !

  4. Thanks, I'm glad you found it useful.

  5. Pięknie wykonane... Thanks :)

  6. It's a really pretty flower,and I've not come across this technique anywhere else.It's so kind of you to share all of your work as tutorials;as a relatively new quiller,I really appreciate it. The Christmas poinsettia was beautiful as well.

  7. Thank you for the appreciation. I hope my tutorials help you to become great at quilling. Happy quilling.

  8. wow lovely flower, would definitely try and give your reference link, first time here ,love to see other tutorials

    kavitha vadhri

    1. Love your work Kavitha. Your cards are amazing.


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