
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Quilled Monarch Butterfly Closeup

This monarch butterfly was quilled using a print out as a guide. I placed a polythene on the printout and quilled the wings first. I used coils and shaped them according to the picture. Then I encircled each one in black and pasted it, one to the other. Where colors are at the edges of the coils,  like the tip of the wings, I just made the black coil then a few white ones, shaped them and pasted them into the outer edge of the coil. I use the same technique to put highlights into the eyes I quill.

For the body, I have just pasted white strips cut to shape, after quilling the 3d body. I did a small trick for the eye as I was lazy!! I cut a strip like a long triangle and made a peg starting with the broader end.


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